1. No alcohol permitted at any time during club activities.

2.  Club supports The Bass Federation, Inc (TBF) and Alabama Bass Federation, Inc.

3. Tournament dues are $35.00 payable before blast off.

4. Club annual dues are $20.00 payable in November of each year, after June dues will be $10.00 for the remainder of the year. Dues paid after the month of January for current members will be assessed a $5.00 delinquent fee to the treasury.

5. All club members must be members of Alabama Bass Federation, Inc. (ABF) $10.00 membership fee; The Bass Federation, Inc. (TBF) $50.00 membership fee which includes a subscriber membership to MLF BIG5 which is sue at time of club membership. Competitor membership to MLF BIG5 is optional for each member at a cost of $48.75. Each member interested in competitor status must register directly with MLF BIG5 as a TBF/MLF BIG5 dual membership.

6. The majority of current members must approve applications for new membership. Family membership is accepted.

7. Perspective members after fishing one tournament are eligible to become club members and must be voted in by a majority vote of club members in attendance. The minimum age to participate in a club tournament is 16 years old (except Junior / High School anglers visiting as a guest).  Guest members may fish their first tournament with their sponsor. Payment of the $35.00 tournament dues will be required prior to the tournament.  All past club members still in the immediate area and fishing as a quest must be included in the club draw.

8. The club will sponsor the top six members an entry to a state qualifying regional tournament and or state Championship tournament. The top six members will be determined by the club’s Angler of the Year point system Final results. New members that join the club after the start of the season must fish 2/3 of the seasons remaining tournaments to be eligible to be sponsored by the club. Selected members will receive $200.00 sponsorship funds for entry into a qualifying / state tournament of their choice for that year. Payment to the members will occur at the time of their request to receive funds. If the money received is not used to fund entry into an ABF qualifying or state tournament, then the member must reimburse the club the $200.00. Failure to reimburse the club will result in club sanctions, such as club membership suspension. Angler of the Year standings will be determined by dropping the lowest score from each half of the tournament year.

9. All members are encouraged to participate in all meetings and tournaments. Club members who have attended 6 or more events, either meetings or tournaments or a combination of both are considered members in good standing and are eligible to vote.

10. Club officers are to be elected in December of each year.

11. Club rules will be voted on once a year. Recommended changes will be in writing. Rule changes will be accepted in October of each year and discussed. A vote will be taken on proposed rule changes in November without any further discussion.  

12. Club officers are to serve as the Board of Directors and to run the monthly tournaments.

13. Club tournament dates will be established in December for the following year.  Club will fish one Saturday each month with the Club meeting conducted on the Thursday prior to the monthly tournament date. The tournament site will be determined during the Thursday monthly meeting prior to fishing on Saturday.  Nominations and a second for tournament sites will be made from the members attending the meeting.  A vote will be conducted to determine the tournament site. No site shall be selected more than once during a six-month period.  Club members attending the meetings have the option to recommend changing the tournament site due to unsafe fishing conditions or TBF
tournaments conflicts.  Recommendations can only be changed following majority vote.

14. When unsafe conditions do not allow a tournament site to be fished, the site will automatically be the site of the next month tournament or consensus of the club can change a tournament site.

15. For every minute late for weigh-in (up to ten (10) minutes) a one-pound penalty will be subtracted from total weight. If more than ten (10) minutes late, boater and partner are disqualified.

16. Five fish limit, 12 inches minimum length (or state law). Only five fish per person may be in live well. Sixth fish is caught; you must cull before continuing fishing. Up to a six-foot net are allowed. No dead fish can be weighed in for big or little fish.

17. There will be an eight-ounce penalty per dead fish.

18. Monthly tournament fee is $35.00, with $8.00 going to club treasury, $22.00 going to prize fund, $2.50 going to big fish and $2.50 small fish pot.

19. Minimum/Maximum payback will be three places according to individual weight, 1st – 4% – 2nd – 33% – 3rd – 23% of prize fund and 2.50 each x number of tournament fishermen present for big & small fish pot.

20. Members must be paid in full prior to launch to be eligible for prize fund.

21. Following the pairing of all non-boaters, the remaining boaters have the option to fish as boaters and not be paired.

22. Members who cannot attend a meeting must send word of intent to fish by 9:00P.M. on Friday to be eligible to fish the tournament.

23. After fishing 12 tournaments a member is eligible for a club shirt ($30.00 value), after 24 tournaments a member is eligible for a jacket ($60.00 value).  If cost of shirt and or jacket exceeds stated value, the member is responsible to pay the difference.

24. All boat operators must have minimum liability insurance. All members and perspective members must sign an annual release of liability form prior to fishing any tournament.

    25. SAFETY:

    (i) Safe boat conduct must be observed at all times by competitors. During practice (day Prior) and official competition, each competitor must wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved, chest-type life preserver type III or above anytime the combustion engine is running. This preserver must be strapped, snapped or zippered securely and be maintained in that condition until the combustion engine is shut off. Competitors must have the kill switch lanyard attached anytime the boat is on plane. Inflatable life vest indicators should be checked daily. Violation of this rule may be a reason for disqualification. Inflatable PFDs are allowed as long as U.S. Coast Guard regulations are met. The U.S. Coast Guard requires that inflatable PFDs must be worn at all times unless there is an equal number of noninflatable U.S. Coast Guard-approved PFDs on board.

    (ii) When boating in low-visibility situations (i.e., fog, or heavy rain) during both practice and competition, competitors must operate their boats at a safe speed and in a safe manner as determined by conditions.

    (iii) Tournament officials may delay, shorten or cancel any part of an official tournament day, official practice day or restrict tournament waters because of weather or other factors. Delays on full field days resulting in half of the tournament day being lost (takeoff and check-in) may result in rescheduling the tournament.

    (iv) Pine Level Bassmaster’s reserves the right to impose boat speed limits during any or all tournaments. Whether or not to impose a speed limit, the area covered by the speed limit and/or the actual speed limit imposed shall be left exclusively to the discretion of the Tournament Director.



    Updated: 1/19/2025
    Copyright © 2003-2025 Pine Level Bassmaster’s All rights reserved.
    Official Club Rules.